Shadow's Symphony

Shadows Symphony Special Edition

The Chronicles of the Bard King: Book Two

Sequel to A Tempest of Shadows

The Storm Lord Jerith has conquered the...

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JS Herod
JS Herod

JS Herod


 Joe Herod, or as the literary world knows him, JS Herod, channels the spirits of Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Patrick Rothfuss in his writing. Born in Dallas, Texas, Joe's early years were spent crisscrossing the country, courtesy of his father's military career. Naturally, Joe caught the travel bug and spent years on the move himself. In 2019, he found himself back in a sleepy town in rural Mississippi, caring for his ailing dad. Though his father never discouraged Joe’s writing, he never really acknowledged it either. By Christmas 2023, Joe had nearly shelved his author dreams—until fate intervened. While rummaging through his mom's attic, he unearthed a box of his late Dad's personal belongings. Inside was his USMC pocket watch and the original handwritten manuscript of what would eventually become "Chronicles of the Bard King." It was like his dad was giving him his blessing, reigniting his passion for storytelling. Joe’s journey from dusty boxes to literary dreams is nothing short of magical. 

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Preview of "Shadow's Symphony" The midday sun beat down on the training

The midday sun beat down on the training grounds, casting long shadows across the sand-strewn arena. Dust swirled in the hot air, kicked up by the occasional breeze. These...

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Get Rise of the Storm Lord FREE! To celebrate the release of A Tempest of

To celebrate the release of A Tempest of Shadows, we have made Rise of the Storm Lord FREE from Mon, Aug 5 - Fri, Aug 9!

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Rise of the Storm Lord - Chapter One For all our wonderful readers and to

For all our wonderful readers and to celebrate the crazy pre-order success of "Rise of the Storm Lord" and reaching #1 New Release on Amazon Day 1 of the pre-order, We have...

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World-Building: The Art of Playing God Without the Smite Button Let’s be

Let’s be honest—world-building is basically playing God, minus the whole smiting bit (though, sometimes, I wish I could zap a character or two, just for fun). Creating an entire universe from scratch? It’s the stuff of power trips. But in all seriousness, world-building is where the magic happens, quite literally. It’s where I get to mix mythology, folklore, and a dash of my own madness to cook up something truly unique.

You see, when you're known for world-building, people start expecting you...

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Storytelling Beyond the Book: Expanding Your Universe So, you’ve

So, you’ve self-published your magnum opus, and it’s out there in the wild. Readers are loving it, and you're basking in the glow of literary success. But what's next? How do you keep your readers engaged and attract new ones? The answer lies in expanding your universe! Let's dive into some playful and unconventional ways to bring your story world to life beyond the pages of your book.

1. Spin-Offs and Side Stories

  • Because One Book Is Never Enough: Have a side character who’s too fabulous to...
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Sample Chapter for Rise of the Storm Lord In the quiet corners of libraries

In the quiet corners of libraries and study halls, Harrison found his sanctuary among parchment and ink. Born into a family of scribes, he learned early on that the pen could be mightier than the sword. His father, a renowned historian, instilled in him a love for stories and a deep respect for the power of the written word.

In the kingdom of Terrenholdt, scribes were highly valued yet often overlooked. They were the silent observers, the recorders of history, their contributions hidden behind...

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Please feel free to contact me at any time! I love connecting with readers and would love to hear from you!


JS Herod
1042 CR 72
Myrtle, Ms 38650