
World-Building: The Art of Playing God Without the Smite Button Let’s be

Let’s be honest—world-building is basically playing God, minus the whole smiting bit (though, sometimes, I wish I could zap a character or two, just for fun). Creating an entire universe from scratch? It’s the stuff of power trips. But in all seriousness, world-building is where the magic happens, quite literally. It’s where I get to mix mythology, folklore, and a dash of my own madness to cook up something truly unique.

You see, when you're known for world-building, people start expecting you...

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Storytelling Beyond the Book: Expanding Your Universe So, you’ve

So, you’ve self-published your magnum opus, and it’s out there in the wild. Readers are loving it, and you're basking in the glow of literary success. But what's next? How do you keep your readers engaged and attract new ones? The answer lies in expanding your universe! Let's dive into some playful and unconventional ways to bring your story world to life beyond the pages of your book.

1. Spin-Offs and Side Stories

  • Because One Book Is Never Enough: Have a side character who’s too fabulous to...
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Sample Chapter for Rise of the Storm Lord In the quiet corners of libraries

In the quiet corners of libraries and study halls, Harrison found his sanctuary among parchment and ink. Born into a family of scribes, he learned early on that the pen could be mightier than the sword. His father, a renowned historian, instilled in him a love for stories and a deep respect for the power of the written word.

In the kingdom of Terrenholdt, scribes were highly valued yet often overlooked. They were the silent observers, the recorders of history, their contributions hidden behind...

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Get Fancy: How to Embed Fonts in Word Like a Pro Hey there, word wizards

Hey there, word wizards and font fanatics! Ever poured your soul into a document only to send it off and have the recipient's computer turn it into a font nightmare? Yeah, we've all been there. Your masterpiece turns into a jumbled mess of Times New Roman or, heaven forbid, Comic Sans. But fear not, my friends! I’ve got the lowdown on how to make sure your fonts stay put, no matter where your document travels. Let’s dive into the world of embedding fonts in Microsoft Word.

Why Embed Fonts?


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Why Self-Publishing is Like Dating: A Rollercoaster of Hope, Heartbreak,

Hey, fellow scribblers and dream weavers! Gather 'round, because today we're diving into the wild, wild world of self-publishing. Now, if you’re thinking self-publishing is all about sipping lattes while your book effortlessly climbs the charts, I’ve got news for you. It’s more like dating—full of excitement, hope, heartbreak, and those rare but oh-so-sweet moments of triumph.

Editing and Proofreading: The Tinder Bio of Your Book

Let’s be real—first impressions matter. You wouldn’t show up to a...

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Write it and they will come! Not really, not at all! - When the writing is

One of the harsh truths about being an unknown self-published author is that it rarely matters how epic your story is or how brilliantly it's written when it comes to building your brand. Seriously, if you're in this game for anything more than just giving your friends and family something to read, you need to think of it like a business. Amazon alone has a gazillion books, and that number skyrockets daily. Without promotion and advertising, you'll be buried in the digital dust. We'd all love...

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What does that mean? Quick Publishing Tips: Formatting Terms You Need to

Hey everyone! Today’s post is going to be brief but hopefully packed with useful info. I’m juggling work and my self-publishing journey (gotta pay the bills somehow until this venture starts generating its own income). So, let’s dive into some key formatting terms every self-publisher should know. These are crucial steps in the creation process that no one is going to do for you.

Leading: No, it’s not about being the head honcho. In publishing, leading (pronounced "ledding") refers to the...

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So, we can attribute it to my stubbornness, ignorance, or a healthy dose of both. But one of the most important things I have learned was something I never knew to ask.

During the process of publishing my first novel, "Tempest", there was so much information to work through that times I nearly threw my hands in the air and gave up. Having to learn how to properly format a manuscript for publication, front Matter, back matter, margins, line spacing, which fonts to use, what on Earth is "a...

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I'm thrilled to announce that our website now has a blog page! This is something I've been dreaming about since day one. The main focus of this blog will be to share my journey as an unknown, self-published author.

Ever since I decided to stop making excuses and finally write and publish "Chronicles of the Bard King," I've learned so much. In fact, I've gained so much knowledge that it would be impossible to fit it all into one post. So, I'll be sharing a series of posts detailing what I've...

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