June 11, 2024
Write it and they will come! Not really, not at all! - When the writing is done, the real work begins!

One of the harsh truths about being an unknown self-published author is that it rarely matters how epic your story is or how brilliantly it's written when it comes to building your brand. Seriously, if you're in this game for anything more than just giving your friends and family something to read, you need to think of it like a business. Amazon alone has a gazillion books, and that number skyrockets daily. Without promotion and advertising, you'll be buried in the digital dust. We'd all love to believe our tales are the next great classics, but let's be real—it rarely works out that way. It's especially tough for us self-published folks. No fancy resources, no assistants, no publicists. We're flying solo. But hey, there are some tricks to help us out!

  1. Learn Everything You Can! Research is your new best friend. Dive into blogs and articles—many people out there have already stumbled and are more than happy to share their wisdom. Some will tell you the right way to do things, but I’m here to share all the wrong ways—because, trust me, I’ve been there. When I started, I was a hot mess, making mistakes left and right. Now, I’m finally getting it together.
  2. Ask Questions! Facebook groups are goldmines! You'll find tons of people who've been through the same wringer. Most folks are lovely and eager to share advice and opinions. Don’t be shy—ask away!
  3. Promo Services—Worth Every Penny! Yes, they can be pricey, but services like BookBub and Written Word Media can skyrocket your visibility. As an experiment, I spent the same amount on a one-day $.99 promo with WWM and on my own Facebook and Instagram ads. The result? The professional promo nearly doubled my sales compared to my DIY ad campaign. Lesson learned!
  4. Invest in Yourself! You’re a business now! Treat it that way. Invest in your success because nobody else will do it for you.