June 8, 2024
Rolling a Three the Hard Way! Lesson Learned. ISBN's and Distribution Rights.

So, we can attribute it to my stubbornness, ignorance, or a healthy dose of both. But one of the most important things I have learned was something I never knew to ask. 

During the process of publishing my first novel, "Tempest", there was so much information to work through that times I nearly threw my hands in the air and gave up. Having to learn how to properly format a manuscript for publication, front Matter, back matter, margins, line spacing, which fonts to use, what on Earth is "a gutter?" It never even occurred to me to research how the self-publishing services treat distribution.

This is a massively important thing for indie authors to learn and know! 

There are multiple platforms where you have the ability to list and sell your E-Books and Print Books, however there are a couple of things you need to do to ensure that you legally have the ability to do so. The first thing you need to understand is what and ISBN is and how they affect you. 

  • An ISBN, or International Standard Book Number, is a 13-digit code that uniquely identifies books and book-like products. ISBNs are used to help with selling books, managing metadata, and making books easier to find. They can also identify a book's edition, publisher, physical characteristics, title, language, and version. 

What you need to know:

  • Each version of your book you publish will require it's own individual ISBN. This means you need one for you E-Book, Your Paperback, and Hardcover. As well as any "Special Edition" you may decide to create. 

Both Amazon KDP and IngramSpark will provide you a "Free" ISBN for each copy. However, this is what you must know if you intend on selling any version of your book on multiple platforms. 

  • When you accept a free ISBN from either service, you are agreeing to that service owning EXCLUSIVE distribution rights for your book. This means that, while you still own the copywrite and intellectual property, you CANNOT sell your book anywhere else. Including your own website.  
  • You can purchase your own ISBNs from BOWKER and use them instead of accepting the free ISBNs. This will allow you to publish your books and sell them anywhere you choose. They cost about $85 USD each, but this a cost you need to accept if you decide that you want to "Go Wide" with your books. 
  • If you later decide that you want to change the ISBN to one you own, you have to unpublish your book with the free ISBN and re-publish it as a different edition. This is simple enough, but in doing so, your listing will change and you will lose any reviews you may have. 

Neither decision is right or wrong and totally a decision that you have to make for yourself. If you decide that you only want to sell your books through Amazon so you have access to things like enrolling in Kindle Unlimited, then accepting the Free ISBN's is perfectly feasible.  

-Thank you for taking the time to visit us!
